Apparently, there are lots of people in that area who try to breed shepherds for money, but when they aren't able to sell the dogs, they basically just let them go! It's insane. I really want to try to get some kind of senate bill passed to impose really heavy fines on people who try to sell dogs without a license (and I think there should be snitching fees, too). These people ARE the problem. There are just too many of them, and not enough people in rescue, so if we don't find a way to stop these backyard breeders, the problem will just continue and these poor dogs will continue to be euthanized.
Please consider adopting from this shelter. There are some really great volunteers who work hard to network with rescue groups and people who can pull the dogs to safety, at least temporarily. You can join their facebook group, HERE.
Sometimes the dogs are saved by rescue foundations like Westside German Shepherd Rescue of L.A. and the King of Hearts Foundation, but there just aren't enough fosters and funds to be able to pull them all. If you've ever considered fostering, now is a great time. It's such a rewarding experience!
I'm posting some photos below of shepherd mixes that are on the euthanasia list for this week. It says the deadline was noon, but they do seem to have SOME donations so I am hopeful they may have gotten an extension of at least another day. Again, please consider fostering, it's really rewarding and the rescues can often provide food and other supplies for the foster parents!
PLEASE NOTE: My apologies in advance, I do not have time to continually update this page, so by the time many people see it, these posts below will be old news. But you can always go to the Facebook page for Networkers for the Apple Valley Animal Shelter Dogs, to see what dogs are currently available. Or, if you'd like to find out the whereabouts of any of the dogs below (if not too much time has passed) they may be able to give you more information.
This is the photo that drew me in. My friend Karen, who helped me to foster a sweet dog named Georgia, several years ago, had posted this photo on her Facebook page, and I just couldn't look away! These dogs, Kali (Norah) and Darby (Titus), have become the highlights of my life.
Again, please check out the Facebook page for Networkers for the Apple Valley Animal Shelter Dogs, to see what dogs are currently available.
Thanks in advance if you can help foster or adopt!