Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Have you lost a Pet? This was my positive experience with a Pet Psychic I Recommend

I know this will sound kooky to those who don't believe in this kind of thing, but for those who are feeling the pain of having lost a pet. I just wanted to tell you about my positive experience with a pet psychic. I recently saw a post about a lost dog, and wanted to share this information, in case it helps any. The psychic I consulted with has helped many people to find their lost dogs, and her testimonials were impressive!  

Here's the story of how she helped me with my kitty, Bert:

In May of 2017, I lost my cat, Bert, who was like my baby.  
I bottle fed him since he was a kitten. I'll never forget that pain of not knowing where Bert was.  I remember telling a friend that my heart actually felt cold, like it did when my Dad died. The sense of loss was overwhelming.

I began searching for a pet psychic to talk to, because I do believe some people just have that gift. There are some psychics out there who are con artists, but there are also some who really do have this crazy ability to see stuff (one day I'll write about the psychic I saw in Hawaii who is so good, she has a 6 month waiting list).  

I just needed some kind of reassurance that Bert was still alive, because there had been news about a cat killer in my area, and the thought of Bert having been abducted by that creepo was more than I could bear.  I put flyers all over within a FIVE MILE RADIUS, to find this cat, I am not kidding. And I also created a blog post, to share with people, in the hopes that his story might encourage people to keep their eyes open for him. You can see my post(s) about Bert going missing, HERE.

I also contacted a pet psychic I'd heard about, years beforehand, named Laura Stinchfield. She kindly sent me an email, in which she said:

I am so sorry you have lost your animal.  I do not work with lost animals.  

Here are a two animal communicators that do and I feel comfortable referring.

Please let them know that I referred you and please let me know about your experience with them.

HiIary Renaissance:

Lori Spagna:

I looked at Hilary's website, and was impressed with the many testimonials she hadI liked that she doesn't give the same general info for the same pets, over and over. She gives specifics, that would indicate details, like: a cat is stuck in a hole, and can't seem to get out, vs., say, a dog is at a construction site, far from home, or, say, a cat is at a house with orange white trim and he's hanging out in the carport.  Sometimes she can see that the cat is right inside the house!

I also saw these videos that were impressive:

I recently saw this one too...

I continued to put flyers all over the place, and even slept in my car, in a shopping center that attracted strays because they always had dumpsters with food scraps in it. 

Finally, after 12 days of searching, I got the call that he had been found. He was roaming on the sidewalk, 3 blocks away from my house. Hilary had said he was within 3 blocks. A woman had seen a flyer I'd put up, right next to her driveway, and called me. I was so ecstatic. And given the fact that it was Ciinco De Mayo makes me think of that as an extra special holiday : ) 

It definitely helped me that Hilary was able to tell me Bert was still alive, and that he was just 3 blocks away. I was so distraught while he was missing, part of me just wanted to sit at home and cry. But knowing that he could be within a 3 block radius gave me the extra energy I needed, to continue to put up flyers, and lo and behold, a woman called me because she found him standing right by a telephone pole with my flyer on it! 


You can see Bert's testimonial on THIS PAGE. And I'm copying and pasting it below. 

Redwood City, California lost cat found with the help of animal communicator.

Redwood City, California lost cat found with the help of animal communicator.

Laura of Redwood City, California contacted me because her cat Bert had disappeared from her garden. Laura worried that Bert was trapped somewhere or scared away by a predator or stolen.

When I communicated with Bert, he shared that he had eaten something that made him ill; he had become disoriented and had wandered about 3 blocks away. Bert reported that he had been hiding out in a yard with a lot of scattered junk, a big bush with brown and green leaves and a long haired dog with perky ears. Bert was planning on returning home when he felt better.

Based on Bert’s clues, Laura posted fliers within a three block radius of her home.

Thankfully a neighbor three blocks away saw Bert and called Laura.

Laura of Redwood City, California writes:

“Hilary, I just wanted to let you know I found Bert!!! Thank you sooooo much for your support, that call to you made a world of difference in terms of me being able to feel confident I could find him again!!! You said he was within 3 blocks and sure enough, he was found by a neighbor who was just 3 blocks away. I am so grateful that you do what you do. I will definitely be recommending your services in the future. God bless you!"


I have recommended Hilary to many people since then, and highly recommend her. Please note that I did see that she has a notice on her page now, that says she is no longer taking new clients, but who knows, maybe she would make an exception if you are a referral?  You can also refer to her "About" tab on her blog, and see more information, like tips for finding lost pets, and she also has a podcast. I'm including a screenshot of the "About" page dropdown, below.

If you are unable to get an appointment with Hilary, you could try Lori Spagna, the other psychic recommended by Laura Stinchfield. Or maybe you could even find someone locally, who has intuitive abilities. I know there are a lot of people out there who do. I wish I had it!

I also want to remind people that it is SO helpful to put FLYERS all over the place, within a 1 mile radius if you can. That has helped me before. 

And also be sure to do a post on I have seen sooooo many reunited pets, because of that site, because so many people in your neighborhood or on your block do recognize your pet, so if they see someone has done a FOUND CAT / FOUND DOG post online, they can quickly get the word back to you that your pet has been found. 

Whatever the case, I wish you the best of luck in fining your lost pet. 💖


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