Wednesday, March 6, 2024

PEMF for Dogs - The Technology EVERY PET GUARDIAN Needs To Know About!!!

I love telling people about P.E.M.F., because despite how incredibly helpful it is for people and pets, most folks have never heard about it! You are not likely to ever hear about it from your veterinarian (or they might have to go out of business!) And it's rarely advertised. But it is an incredible technology that every Shepherd owner/guardian should know about! Keep reading, to learn about how it has not only given amazing results for my shepherds, but has also helped a horse to win championships, helped a bicycle team to set a new record, and it was also used to heal a woman who was run over by a hummer!

I learned about P.E.M.F. technology back in 2014, while I had been doing research on alternative healing methods for my then-husband, Jack, who had multiple chronic health conditions. I lost him very suddenly and tragically during the pandemic, along with too many other people I cared about. The dogs have been instrumental in helping me to recover from the heartbreak I've experienced over the last few years. 

I am still so grateful to have learned all about PEMF and other rarely-advertised technologies, because of the research I'd done for Jack. I was blown away by some of the testimonials of how well PEMF had helped people with their different ailments. But the thing that really sold me on the technology, was seeing how well it worked for animals! Further down the page, you can see some of the different videos I first saw, that sold me on the technology a decade ago. 

I've been using PEMF for a decade, and this technology has saved me, my family, and pets SO much time and money over the last 10 years. I love telling other people about it!

We finally got a Bemer Pro in 2016. I had tried some different PEMF machines, but Bemer was the one I really wanted, because it had better testimonials than any other PEMF device I'd ever seen. It's actually able to increase mesenchymal stem cells (the type that regenerates bone and cartilage)!

The technology has improved greatly over the last decade, and the price has actually come DOWN! The son of the president of Bemer started his own company called Centropix, and it is even more powerful than Bemer. In addition, a mat costs about half the price of what a Bemer mat costs!

Last year, I used the Centropix mat on Kali and Titus when they got injured to the point where they were limping. It helped them to heal quickly and completely, and I never had to take them to the vet! 

Titus' healing story

My one male foster shepherd, Titus had been limping for over a month. We couldn't really figure out exactly what happened, but my dogsitter Rob said he thinks he somehow twisted his leg jumping off the couch one day. He heard him land on the floor from the other room, and then he just started limping. The look on Titus' face was so sad, because he'd just discovered Urban Dog Mushing and he practically lives to go mushing around the neighborhood. Having to put that on hold for over a month was like torture for him. You can see how sad he is, in the video below. 


But after I used the Centropix mat, Titus was stronger than ever! 

You can see a video below, that shows how well he healed!  So grateful to have this mat... I shudder to think of what I would have had to spend, if I had taken the dogs to the vet for surgery! I'm not saying NO ONE should ever take their dog to the vet or get them surgery, but I am just saying, I am extremely relieved that he didn't need surgery. My vet even made it sound like there was no need to get him an Xray, he was fine. You can see a screenshot of the facebook post I did about it, below. 

PEMF technology has been especially helpful for the various injuries the shepherds tend to get, because they do so much walking and running. Just ONE shepherd is expensive, but imagine having to take FOUR to the veterinarian, every time one of them gets the slightest injury.  I'd soon go broke!

Veterinarians tend to recommend surgery, antibiotics, painkillers and steriods. But surgery can be very risky, and drugs tend to come with unwanted side effects. I can avoid a lot of that by simply using PEMF on my pet's injured area. 

PEMF technology has come a really long way in the last decade.  I had a Bemer Pro since 2016, but my friend Monica told me about the Centropix mat in 2021. She does tons of research on different health devices, so I ordered one soon after she told me about it (I trust her that much).  Centropix is a company that was started by the son of the man who started Bemer. This is a more advanced technology, yet, it cost about half the price of the Bemer!

This doctor talks about some of the many benefits of PEMF, and I noticed he has the same Centropix Kloud mat I used on Titus! I want to promote it just as much for humans as for dogs, because we doggie guardians (ESPECIALLY Shepherd guardians) can need a lot of physical strength to take care of our pups! 

The first month I had the dogs, my body went through hell. They were constantly pulling and yanking on me, till someone told me about getting a no-pull harness. I fell several times when Kali would get into fights with the other dogs (When she was unspayed, she was kinda possessive over her man, Titus). I kept them separated, on a couple of occasions she managed to sneak past me to lunge at the other females. She's mellowed out SO much now, it's like she's a completely different dog. But by the second month, I was literally limping because I'd fallen so many times. The mat definitely helped with that!

Terry's incredible Healing Story

Monica had learned about the Centropix mat from a woman named Terry who had literally been run over by a Hummer, and she healed with PEMF therapy. I kid you not! She has the most incredible healing story I have ever heard. She was so impressed by PEMF Technology, and I think she's sold more Bemer mats than anyone in the history of the company. This woman literally opened up a healing center to let people experience the Bemer sessions for free, and she'd have up to 200 guests per day! She literally flew veterans from all around the country, to come and experience the incredible power of PEMF technology!

Thanks to Monica connecting us, I got to meet Terry at the premiere of Plandemic 3 - The Great Awakening, in Austin, TX over the summer. I had been using my Bemer mat whenever the dogs seemed to need it, and Titus' leg was still healing. I told Terry it was taking a while for his leg to heal,and she encouraged me to switch to the Centropix mat, because it's even more powerful than the Bemer. So I did, and boy am I glad I took her advice. Titus' healing really sped up, and he bounced back stronger than ever! 

Kali's healing story

When Kali had gotten injured on a walk (after twisting her leg somehow), she was 
limping so badly and whimpering so loudly in the car one day, I swear every neighbor down the block must have heard it. 

This girl lives for car rides and being in moving vehicles (I get the feeling she may have lived in a car with her previous owner). So I bought her one of those "dog strollers" made for dogs (ok so, she might have been a wee bit too big for this one, but she sure did enjoy it). 

I'll never forget the day me and her dog walker took her to our usual mushing place, and pushed her around in this stroller, right after I bought it from someone locally (from Craigslist or Facebook marketplace). She was so excited she started howling so loudly, some guy came out of one of the office buildings because he thought he heard a howling coyote in the parking lot! It didn't take long before she put a huge tear in the stroller (it was like something out of a Seinfeld episode, I will have to tell that story another day). 

One of my concerned, dog-loving neighbors kept insisting that I take her to the vet to get an Xray. But I knew the vets would likely try to get me to put her through some kind of surgery, and want to put her on antibiotics as a routine procedure. 

I assured my neighbor I was using something that worked really well for healing injuries. I knew that I could always take Kali into the vet if for some reason the PEMF didn't fully heal her injury, but I was very confident it wouldn't be necessary.  I had seen the magical healing powers of this technology many times before, and knew she would be ok, as long as I continued with the daily PEMF treatments. And sure enough, it worked great! 

You can see how well she recovered, in the video below. 

As you can see in the pictures, the dogs enjoy the positive, uplifting frequencies from the mat : )

I originally learned about PEMF technology when I had been listening to a webinar with Dr. Garry Gordon, who is a PEMF pioneer.  During the webinar, he told a story about how he was told his horse should be put down. But he refused. He knew about PEMF technology, so used his PEMF machine on her, and she came back strong!

I was so impressed by this story, I did a lot of research about how PEMF is used on animals, and the stories I heard were incredible. It was particularly impressive to hear about a RaceHorse named LavaMan, who was purchased for a mere $50,000. 

His owners used PEMF on him, since he had an abscess in his left front foot, and it healed in 4 days because of this technology. He came back from his foot injury in 2006 and became a racing superstar. Lava Man has won 7 Grade 1 races ranking him as the all-time leader among California-breds. At the time I read this story, Lava Man was the all-time leading earner among claimers and was arguably the greatest claim in racing history! He went on to win multiple Grade 1 stakes and over 5.5 million dollars in winnings.  Have a look at the videos below to see for yourself what a champion he turned out to be!

Winning Racehorse Lava Man using PEMF

There are many different brands of PEMF devices. I believe the one Lava Man is using is a professional grade mat (those can range from $8,300 to $24,000). But the technology available today seems to be even better, and the price has come way down. 

Bemer for Horses



This video shows the Centropix mat they make for horses. 


If Lava Man's guardians are entrusting their $5 million champion horse to PEMF... you know there's got to be something to it!

I saw another video (below) that was really impressive because it helped a dog with an injured leg. Eventually, we got this machine, but it is a lot more expensive than the Centropix mat (the last time I checked, the Pulsed Harmonix machines were about $4,300 to $5,500). I do have a good friend who is interested in selling hers, so if you are interested in buying it, just fill out the contact form on the right side of this blog, let me know you're interested in the machine, and I can put you in touch with her. If you're interested in the machines I'm actually using now, fill out THIS FORM.  You can also fill out the form if you're interested in a Centropix mat, and you can even talk to Terry (the woman who was run over by a Hummer, who opened up a healing center so everyone could try the Bemer!) Terry likely sold more Bemer mats than anyone in the country, but now she has switche to Centropix because the technology is better, it's portable (you can take it on a plane) and it is a lot more affordable for people. 

How my Centropix PEMF mat helped ME

The Centropix mat also helped me a lot in recovering from my first marathon.
In the summer of 2022, I signed up for the Honolulu Marathon with a friend of mine, intending to train and run the whole thing. But a lot of unexpected things happened and I suddenly wound up with four german shepherds in my house. They were SUCH a handful at first. Like I said earlier in this post, they pulled SO hard during walks, and in addition, Kali was crazy jealous of the other female shepherds and would bark and lunge at them. I had to break up several fights between them and ended up falling and injuring myself quite a few times (thank God Kali has mellowed out a LOT since then... it's like she's a different dog, now).

But anyway, my whole body was so sore by the time the Marathon rolled around in December, I was actually LIMPING, and didn't know if I'd be able to even walk a single mile. Still, I was very determined and pushed through the pain. During the marathon, I also used a small TENS device I'd bought at the marathon Expo the day before. I had to sit down and rest a bunch of times, and I was on the last page of people who finished. But I finished the whole thing!

That night, my body was stiff and sore all over, so I asked Monica what would be the best setting to use on the mat. She told me the "Transform" setting would be the best one. I used that setting, drank lots of alkaline antioxidant water from a medical grade machine, used a portable Sharper Image massager I got for less than $100, took a good amount of Astaxanthin, and I wasn't all stiff and sore like I usually am after a race. True, I didn't run it, but my body was way more stiff and in pain, than it had been in races I'd actually run (usually 5-10Ks). I really think the Centropix mat helped a lot with my recovery!

Back in 2016, my father in law, Dal, was so blown away by a video I showed him about the technology, he ended up getting a Bemer mat for himself and his wife - it was very helpful after my mother in law had a bad fall. Dal also helped to get one for his other son, and my sister in law got one as well.

More videos about Bemer technology

Here are some more videos about Bemer technology.  This one below with Dr. Kim Shunkwiler and the nurse is one of the most powerful PEMF videos I'd ever seen.


If you'd like more information about this awesome technology, just click on the box below, or CLICK HERE.  

Your information will go to my friend Monica who sold me these different machines, and one of us will get back to you ASAP!


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