Tuesday, March 12, 2024

MEGA Water for Dogs - why Antioxidants are IMPORTANT

So many of us have heard of magical "healing water" in special lakes and rivers that people from around the world have traveled to get. You can find these magical waters in places like The Lourdes in France. Tlacote in Mexico. Delhi, India. In the video below, you can see a cat that was able to start walking again, after drinking some of the healing water from Tlacote.

I never understood why those waters have such profound healing effects, until about 10 years ago. I learned that these waters have 3 properties that can greatly affect human health. 

First, they tend to be slightly alkaline, with a pH of 8.0 to 8.5. Most of the bottled water sold in stores is actually acidic in pH (around 5.5 to 6.0), and having too much acid in your body, from too many sources (like fried food, soda, alcohol and plastic residues) can lead to Oxidative Stress. 

Oxidative stress is linked to just about every chronic condition there is. If you don't believe me, just go to Google Scholar, type in "oxidative stress" and then write just about any disease name, from Cancer to Diabetes, and you will see Oxidative Stress tends to make conditions much worse! 

That brings me to the second powerful property of the water: Antioxidants! The water from the medically certified machine I have, has antioxidants that last a long time. I've bought MANY antioxidant supplements in the past, since I've seen how well they can work for eye health and other conditions. And I can also tell you that they can be EXPENSIVE, but it's worth it!

The third property of the water is that it has a smaller molecular structure (called micro-clustering) that enables it to get into your cells better. Now, I realize that sounds like a bunch of bunk, but I couldn't deny the fact that, when I drank this water just before I go running, the water didn't "slosh around" in my stomach and cause me to get a side ache, which was what would always happen before. With this water, I could drink 20 ounces of it and have no side ache whatsoever.    

When I learned about this water, I couldn't believe my ears. I thought, "You mean, you can actually MAKE healing water???"

Check out some of the videos below, to see how pets respond to it (and how their owners rave about it). 

I first learned about Mega Water (water from a machine that's been certified as MEDICAL GRADE), in late 2014. I want to make the distinction between medical grade machines and non-medical grade machines for MANY reasons.

First, they're made with medical grade titanium that doesn't corrode in water like the cheap metals in other ionizers can. The machines are built industrial grade, so you can make an unlimited supply and share it with others (the cheaper machines tend to have warranties that state the warranty will be voided if you try to make more than one or two gallons in one day). They also last are known to last 20 years or more. The ionizer I have is by the ONLY brand on the market that ALSO makes hypochlorous acid, which, for my pets, has been even more valuable than the antioxidant water!

In December of 2014 I learned about Kangen water and couldn't wait to tell people about it, because I'd seen so many testimonials for how it helped animals that had arthritis. I do want to note that everyone's water is different, and the company does NOT say we should give this water to our dogs. But I've seen soo many people who do it, I decided to try it.

What I do is I give some of the 8.5 pH water to my pets (mixed in with the 7.0 pH clean water), so they get some antioxidants on a regular basis. It's also really nice to be able to make an unlimited amount of clean, filtered water that comes out quickly because it's an industrial grade machine. Many other machines on the market come out slowly.  You can see how quickly it comes out of the machine, in the video below.

I used to give my cats the 9.5 water because it gave them so much energy, and it made their fur super soft. But on the downside, I learned it can also make the a little overly hyper. Even if they just have a flea or two, I believe that can make the fleas crawl around faster, which can agitate your dog or cat. I stopped giving my cats Advantage flea meds after learning how toxic they are, and how common it is for these chemicals to cause cancer in cats and dogs. I decided to flea combing, natural sprays, vacuuming and diatomaceous earth instead. It's not as effective but it works if you keep up with it. 

The water can also help pets who have arthritis and other ailments. 

This is the very best testimonial I've seen for how this water helps pets. It gave me goosebumps, maybe because it made me think of Parker. And if you are in the bay area I will let your pets try this water for FREE!!!

Many pet guardians report that their pets tend to prefer Kangen water over regular tap water. When your blood cells (or your pet's blood cells) are oxygenated, this can help your body (and your pets' bodies) with its own healing and repair mechanisms. 

If you have a dog that is sick or has arthritis, and you live in my area and and want to try the water (and PEMF), just get in touch with me and I'd be happy to let you try both for free.  


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