Monday, March 11, 2024

Oregano Oil for Dogs

One 2016 study evaluated the anti-tumor effects of oregano in an animal of breast cancer model and also in ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells. Rats who received low-dose oregano concentrate in their diets were found to have 56% fewer tumors and 45% lower tumor volume compared to control animals. The results demonstrated for the first time, according to the authors, a distinct tumor-suppressive effect for oregano in an animal model of breast cancer.
The remaining evidence for the chemopreventive effects of oregano all depends on evidence concerning micronutrients found in the herb. While oregano compromises numerous compounds that have been shown to reduce breast cancer development, growth or metastasis, the concentrations in oregano are modest.

Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) is not part of the same family as common oregano; it is part of the verbena, rather than the mint, family of plants. Mexican oregano is native to the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and Central America. It's volatile oil components give it a flavor similar to Mediterranean-derived oregano (although stronger, it is at the same time less bitter and less minty). Therefore, Mexican oregano can be successfully substituted for oregano in many recipes.
Mexican oregano has a far higher content of chemopreventive compounds than oregano. It is particular high in luteolin, which has been found to suppress triple negative breast cancer cell proliferation and metastasis and to reduce ER+/PR+ cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Luteolin has also been shown to inhibit angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) and aromatase activity (in which androgens are converted into estrogens) in the laboratory. Mexican oregano also contains significantly higher of amounts of apigenin, naringenin and quercetin than oregano. Therefore, we would recommend using Mexican oregano, which is sold in dried form, but it should be purchased organic.



Oregano Oil is a homemade supplement that can be applied to your canine's food (or directly to your dog's mouth) to help promote good health. It can also have numerous health benefits such as fighting off bacteria and fungi, improving circulation, and supporting healthy digestion. In addition, Oregano oil has been shown in studies to be effective at treating or preventing common vet-medicated conditions in dogs including diarrhea, vomiting, and bronchitis. Oregano Oil should not replace a veterinarian's care with bitter ingredients that could cause digestive upset or allergic reactions. It should be used on the advice of a veterinarian under their supervision for medicinal purposes only. This is not a nutritional supplement, but an alternative medicine.


Oregano oil is a great natural remedy for dogs with skin problems like hot spots, itchy rash, or dry skin. It works especially well on mosquito and flea bites, which will become less irritated and stop itching after applying the oil several times a day. For other minor skin infections, you can apply it directly to the affected area and watch your dog heal quickly. Stress reduction can also be helped by using Oregano Oil along with other supplements such as Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA) that improve the nervous system's response to stressors.


1) Organic Oregano Oil for Dogs, Cats, Horses, and other animals is a Powerful Antibiotic to Treat Respiratory Viruses, Fungal, Bacterial, and Viral infections in Pets.

2) Organic Oregano Oil for Dogs is an effective anti-fungal treatment to kill ringworm, yeast, and other fungal infections.

3) Oregano oil can be directly applied to the skin or in the ears as an insect repellant. It will work against mosquitoes and fleas by killing insects with their strong essential oils.

4) Organic Oregano Oil for Dogs is a Powerful Immune System Boosting Nutrient that will help your dog fight off diseases better.

5) Oregano Oil has anti-inflammatory effects and it is great for treating Lupus, skin allergies, arthritis, and other inflammatory muscle or joint-related problems.

6) It is also a natural antibiotic that helps to fight against bacterial or fungal infections. Organic Oregano Oil for Dogs is effective in fighting off viruses like the highly contagious Parvovirus.

7) Organic Oregano Oil for Dogs can help fight fever, colds, and flues with its antibacterial properties. Oregano Oil is an Antioxidant Rich Oil that helps restore the body's natural defenses and boost the immune system.

8) Oregano Oil for Dogs is a powerful anti-tumor agent, it is also known to help fight cancer in dogs. Oregano Oil can be easily given orally or applied topically, you can add it to your dog's food, put some in his or her mouth or apply directly to the skin where needed.



Yes and No. Only Canine-grade (food-grade) or therapeutic grade is safe. Some brands (even ones labeled natural) are not. Some may be diluted with "carrier" oils like olive oil that can cause vomiting and diarrhea if ingested by your dog, or others contain no actual oil of oregano but instead, substitute related herbs such as thyme and marjoram that are toxic to dogs. There have been cases of death reported in dogs from the use of some common essential oil brands sold for pet use, so it is essential to choose a brand specifically made for animals that is non-toxic and non-irritating when used as directed. If you have any concerns about the safety of a particular brand of Oregano Oil for your dog, do not use it. There are no known side effects from using this oil topically on your dog. It is also highly unlikely that any of the oils will cause harm from being ingested orally as part of their diet.


Because oil oregano is a "carrier" oil, it should not be mixed with other oils. If you are adding it to a dog's food, use only the oil. Dab some on a cotton ball and allow your dog to lick it off. If you are applying it directly to your dog's skin, dilute it with an equal amount of carrier oil. This will make the solution less irritating to the skin and more convenient to apply. It should not be mixed directly with water and should NEVER be heated. Oregano Oil is very powerful and there is no exact dosage for drinking or topical application. Because of its concentrated nature, Oregano Oil for Dogs can be added to a dog's food twice a day or used on their food by themselves.






  • Mix all ingredients in a bottle of 15 ml. Shake it well.
  • Apply 4 drops on the affected area 2-3 times a day.




  • Mix all ingredients in a bottle of 15 ml. Shake it well.
  • Apply 2-3 times a day. This is one of the best recipes for the treatment of fungal or bacterial infections in dogs’ ears or any other part of the body.
  • It has powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties which are useful for the quick healing of hot spots, itchy skin, ringworm, and other infections.
  • Tea tree is also known as one of the most effective agents against allergies caused by fungi and bacteria.


1) Can I use Oregano oil topically to treat parasitic infections?

Oregano oil is a powerful antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent, it can be used topically for the treatment of ringworm, yeast infections, and lice infestation.

2) Can I use it with the IV application?

Yes. You can use oregano oil for dogs for the treatment of any internal parasites like tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms (roundworms), etc. Use organic oregano oil from quality brands or wildcrafted from your garden. Dilute with a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil.

Oregano is recommended for breast cancer in moderation

Last updated: 
Oregano is recommended in moderation for breast cancer
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a culinary herb in the mint family with strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Oregano contains a variety of volatile oils, including thymol, eugenol, carvacrol and limonene, which give the herb its characteristic scent and flavor.
Oregano is also a dietary source of apigeninbeta-carotene, caffeic acid, calciumferulic acidironluteinluteolin, manganese, myricetinnaringenin, oleanolic acid, quercetinrosmarinic acidursolic acid and vitamin K. However, the chemopreventive micronutrients with most significant content are quercetin, ferulic acid and ursolic acid.
Oregano has been used extensively for centuries as herbal medicine for its antiseptic and antibiotic properties, treating digestive and respiratory conditions such as nausea, diarrhea, and asthma, as well as fever. However, while there are a multitude of studies pertaining to the micronutrients in oregano, few studies have attempted to address the chemopreventive potential of oregano as a whole food.
One 2016 study evaluated the anti-tumor effects of oregano in an animal of breast cancer model and also in ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells. Rats who received low-dose oregano concentrate in their diets were found to have 56% fewer tumors and 45% lower tumor volume compared to control animals. The results demonstrated for the first time, according to the authors, a distinct tumor-suppressive effect for oregano in an animal model of breast cancer.
The remaining evidence for the chemopreventive effects of oregano all depends on evidence concerning micronutrients found in the herb. While oregano compromises numerous compounds that have been shown to reduce breast cancer development, growth or metastasis, the concentrations in oregano are modest.
Quercetin is a phytoestrogen flavonol found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Most foods with significant quercetin content have been found to be associated with reduced breast cancer risk. A major Italian population study reported that the risk of breast cancer was reduced for increasing intake of flavonols such as the quercetin found in oregano.
Quercetin has been shown to increase the effectiveness of both Adriamycin (doxorubicin) and Taxol (paclitaxel) chemotherapy in multidrug resistant ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells, in part by eliminating cancer stem cells. In addition, quercetin has been reported to increase the sensitivity of ER+/PR+ cells to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), thereby increasing its treatment effects. Quercetin has also been found to inhibit the migration and adhesion of triple negative (ER-/PR-/HER2-) breast cancer cells and to significantly inhibit tumor progression in a mouse model of triple negative breast cancer. Finally, quercetin also acts as an iron chelator, which can help reduce iron's breast cancer-promoting effects in some women.
Ursolic acid has been shown to inhibit tumor formation and growth in all of the major breast cancer types (ER+/PR+, HER2+ and triple negative). Ursolic acid has also been shown to reverse multidrug resistance in breast cancer cells. One study found that ursolic acid reversed resistance to Taxol (paclitaxel) in Taxol-resistant triple negative breast cancer. Another study reported that ursolic acid resensitized multidrug resistant ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells to Adriamycin (doxorubicin). Still another study published in 2021 demonstrated that ursolic acid also increased the sensitivity of triple negative breast cancer cells to Adriamycin.
Ferulic acid has been shown to induce programmed cell death in triple negative breast cancer cells. Ferulic acid has also been shown to synergistically enhance the treatment effects of Taxol and epirubicin chemotherapy. Ferulic acid reduced the heart damage caused by Adriamycin in an animal study of related cardiomyopathy.
Oregano compound rosmarinic acid has also been shown to reduce Adriamycin-induced cardiomyopathy without reducing its cytotoxic effects against ER+/PR+ breast cancer cells.
Given that it is often grown with high levels of pesticides, oregano should be purchased organic. Even organic oregano tends to incorporate meaningful levels of heavy metals, which is why it should be consumed in moderation. Oregano pesto should probably be avoided.
Based on the available evidence, the amounts of oregano normally used as a herb or spice in food are safe, however oregano oil in medicinal amounts has not been adequately studied and has not been proven safe.
Mexican oregano (Lippia graveolens) is not part of the same family as common oregano; it is part of the verbena, rather than the mint, family of plants. Mexican oregano is native to the southwestern U.S., Mexico, and Central America. It's volatile oil components give it a flavor similar to Mediterranean-derived oregano (although stronger, it is at the same time less bitter and less minty). Therefore, Mexican oregano can be successfully substituted for oregano in many recipes.
Mexican oregano has a far higher content of chemopreventive compounds than oregano. It is particular high in luteolin, which has been found to suppress triple negative breast cancer cell proliferation and metastasis and to reduce ER+/PR+ cell viability in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Luteolin has also been shown to inhibit angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) and aromatase activity (in which androgens are converted into estrogens) in the laboratory. Mexican oregano also contains significantly higher of amounts of apigenin, naringenin and quercetin than oregano. Therefore, we would recommend using Mexican oregano, which is sold in dried form, but it should be purchased organic.
The information above, which is updated continually as new research becomes available, has been developed based solely on the results of academic studies. Clicking on any of the underlined terms will take you to its tag or webpage, which contain more extensive information.
Below are links to 20 recent studies concerning this food and its components. For a more complete list, including less recent studies, please click on oregano.

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